Request Applications in SCCM 2012

Request Applications in SCCM 2012
Hi, in the last post (here) we set up the Application Catalog Website. We  made an application that needed administrator approval. How does this look like? First the user sends a request. Oke the Request was submitted. The user has the ability to cancel the request. As shown in the SCCM 2012 console there is ...

Using Application Catalog in SCCM 2012

Using Application Catalog in SCCM 2012
Hi, in the last post (here) we set up the Application Catalog Website. But it is still empty. As stated before we can now provide software to users, and be able to approve requests. Let’s deploy some applications. – XML Notepad, free to use for users; – Google Chrome, needs approval from a manager. I ...

Software Center and Application Catalog in SCCM 2012

Software Center and Application Catalog in SCCM 2012
Hi, Well oke, the RAP (Run Advertised Program) is gone in ConfigMgr 2012, and we got the Software Center in return. Nice but now what? For Advertised Programs we now have the: Application Catalog! The Application Catalog is a web-site where a user can find his/her software. For an administrator it is also possible to authorize software, ...

Deploy Applications in SCCM 2012

Deploy Applications in SCCM 2012
Hi, Let’s take a look at application deployment in ConfigMgr 2012. First of all, things have changed. And for the better. In SCCM 2007 an user would get his/her software mandatory (pushed) or published via RAP (Run Advertised Programs) or Add/Remove Programs, both found in the Control Panel. For most system administrators and users this ...

Configuration Manager 2012 Beta 2 First Look

Configuration Manager 2012 Beta 2 First Look
Hi, Microsoft has released Beta 2 of System Center Configuration Manager 2012. The anticipated release is Q4 of 2011, and this is a first look. Let’s start with: I’m impressed! Being a Beta means there are a couple of things that needs some attention: The database can only be SQL 2008 SP1 with CU10 or ...

Hello world!

Welcome to my site. This is my first post. There will be more..