Cluster has dual stack enabled. Cannot register to a PC (Nutanix)

So, you have a brand new Nutanix cluster deployed.
Now you want to register your Prism Element cluster to a Prism Central instance!

So, let’s start.

‘Register or create new’



Fill in the appropriate fields, and hit ‘Connect’

WAIT, What is that?

Cluster has dual stack enabled. Cannot register to a PC.

Uh, so this has to do with some networking issue, I guess?

Nutanix, help.
OK, search the KB’s and we find: KB-17342

I’m on AOS 7, so that is AOS 6.5 and Newer.
Easy they give me two commands and I’m done.

manage_ipv6 unconfigure; manage_ipv6 disable

Let’s try this.
Hmm not successful.

What’s in the log?

Well, the first part is about the ‘manage_ipv6 unconfigure’. This is complaining about a gateway that cannot be removed.
The second part is about the ‘manage_ipv6 disable’. This is complaining about an ipv6 address still being present.

In KB-17342 there are all kind of commands, but none of these where a success in my environment.

This log line is interesting:
Failed to unconfigure IPv6 address on Error: Failed to remove the default IPv6 gateway fe80::9ada:c4ff:fe86:31d4

Let’s see if this is true 😉

/sbin/route -A inet6

No nothing to see here.

sudo ip -6 route show


Hmm, what if I add and delete the gateway in 1 step?

sudo /sbin/route add -A inet6 default gw fe80::9ada:c4ff:fe86:31d4 eth0 && manage_ipv6 unconfigure && manage_ipv6 disable

And success

And in Prism also visible:

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