Nutanix CE 2.1 marks disks wrong (SSD/NMVe as HDD)

So you installed Nutanix CommunityEdition (CE) version 2.1.
Everything went well, created the cluster and then you login to Prism and see (some) of your disks marked wrong, i.e. a SSD or NVMe is shown as HDD.

This sometimes happens as the current CE is almost on par with the full blown flagship product. If you then install it on non-enterprise grade hardware (i.e. homelab!) it defaults to non-expected values.

In Prism

And on the CLI

But there is an easy way to correct this 🙂

  • SSH into the (or an) CVM
  • get the DISKID with ncli disk ls
  • change disk type with ncli disk update id=DISKID tier-name=TIERNAME

For TIERNAME you can use:

  • SSD-PCIe (NVMe)

After this the disks will be shown correctly.

In Prism

And on the CLI

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