Version (build) numbers Microsoft products

Hi! Just a short post for reference. In my line of work I sometimes need to find the product description or version (build) number of a product. While searching for them I stumbled upon a perfect website for most regular Microsoft products! Products like AX, CRM, Exchange, Office, SCCM, SCDPM, SCOM, SCSM, SCVMM, Sharepoint, ...

RoboCopy switches 1

So I was busy with the most fabulous copy tool ever – RoboCopy. I always forget the exact switches, so for reference use here they are: /S Copies subdirectories (excluding empty ones). /E Copies all subdirectories (including empty ones). /LEV:n Copies only the top n levels of the source directory tree. /Z Copies files in ...

System Center Road map 2011

System Center Road map 2011
Hi, this is the System Center Road map as released by Microsoft for 2011. Looks like an exciting year :-)!