WSUS Error 2149842967

When installing patches and hotfixes silently (wusa.exe <some_patch_or_hotfix.msu /quiet /norestart) it is advisable to check the Setup eventlog. It is possible that you find some error there: Windows update could not be installed because of error 2149842967 Actually what Windows is saying: The update is not applicable to your computer. Well oke that could also ...

WSUS and ConfigMgr 2012 HTTPS communication 3

WSUS and ConfigMgr 2012 HTTPS communication
When you have your ConfigMgr 2012 site fully communicating over HTTPS you may also want your Software Updates delivered over a secure channel. Well that´s possible! More info: When you have the WSUS component installed on the SCCM 2012 SP1 server, the same certificate that was used to secure the ´Default Web Site´ can ...