Version (build) numbers Microsoft products

Hi! Just a short post for reference. In my line of work I sometimes need to find the product description or version (build) number of a product. While searching for them I stumbled upon a perfect website for most regular Microsoft products! Products like AX, CRM, Exchange, Office, SCCM, SCDPM, SCOM, SCSM, SCVMM, Sharepoint, ...

Task Sequence Built-in Variables in ConfigMgr 2012 R2

This is just a reminder for the built-in Task Sequence variables in ConfigMgr 2012 R2. You can also find them at:   Built-in Variable Name Description _SMSTSAdvertID Stores the current running task sequence deployment unique ID. It uses the same format as a Configuration Manager software distribution deployment ID. If the task sequence is ...

ConfigMgr Client Log locations during OSD

Just a quick reference for finding the client logs during an Operating System Deployment. As we all know ConfigMgr moves the logs during a deployment depending on the stage of deployment. We can define 4 major stages in regard to the log file locations: System has started in WinPE, no hard drive configuration has taken ...

Deploy the Windows 7 Kernel Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) with ConfigMgr 2012 11

Deploy the Windows 7 Kernel Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) with ConfigMgr 2012
So you got your brand new Dell or other manufacturer’s hardware, deploy an OS with ConfigMgr 2012 and he, no go – chrash – missing drivers etc. Well you might need the new Kernel Mode Driver Framework 1.11 (here) or the User Mode Driver Framework 1.11 (here). But wait, this is an Windows Update! And ...

(Re)-Creating a boot image for ConfigMgr 2012 using Windows ADK

(Re)-Creating a boot image for ConfigMgr 2012 using Windows ADK
When you are having problems with your boot images (corruption or just malfunctioning) there might come a time you need to (re)-create one or maybe both. This is a very straight forward process which will be described below. You use the Windows ADK for this process. Depending on your version of ConfigMgr this will be ...

Monitoring Task Sequences in ConfigMgr 2012 R2 console 4

Monitoring Task Sequences in ConfigMgr 2012 R2 console
When doing OSD in SCCM 2012 R2 you can view the deployment information in the Task Sequence reports, but the Status Messages is really the preferred place for this. First thing you need is to get the deployment ID of the Task Sequence you wish to monitor. You have to setup a query for each ...

Configuration Manager 2012 – Software Updates That Require Multiple Reboots may Cause Task Sequence Failure 2

Oke so sometimes your OSD Task Sequence in ConfigMgr 2012 (or even 2007..) fails on you? Tried all the usual troubleshoot steps.. Well maybe not all, check your Windows Updates! Yes, Microsoft has confirmed that there are updates out there that will break your Task Sequence. This is the KB about that: KB2894518 – Software ...

Configuration Manager 2012 R2 Hotfixes

SCCM 2012 R2 has some hotfixes you might need: 2905002 An update is available for the “Operating System Deployment” feature of System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager This update resolves the following issues in Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager. Issue 1 After you enable the PXE Service Point role ( on an instance of a ...

What is new in System Center 2012 R2

José Rodas has made a nice overview of all the new features of the What’s New in System Center 2012 R2! Here is the overview: Configuration Manager R2 Deploy and manage Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 Configure and deploy WiFi profiles, VPN configurations and certificates Maintenance windows exclusively for updates UI improvements for ...

Components in WinPE Boot Image – SCCM 2012 SP1 1

I was going through the Optional Componets you can select to inject in your SCCM 2012 SP1 Boot image. Then I found this reference to the excellent Microsoft site: Here is an overview for the components. First the standard and then the optional ones! Area Optional component name Description Scripting WinPE-Scripting WinPE-Scripting contains a ...